

  • 如果你知道自己有学习障碍, provide the Office of Accessibility 服务 with recent documentation about your disability that includes a list of recommended accommodations.
  • 了解第504节. Be aware of the accommodations and support services 棋牌娱乐 offers.
  • Increase your knowledge of the nature of learning disabilities, specifically your own.
  • Make sure that your commitment to university is deep and genuine; it should be a high priority in your life.
  • Take fewer classes each semester and balance easy classes with more difficult ones. Plan for the possibility of more years to finish your degree.
  • 如果你需要任何类型的教室住宿, schedule an appointment with your instructor early in the semester to discuss your needs.
  • If you need to tape record lectures, ask the instructor for permission before doing so. Explain why you need to tape the lectures and that the tape will enhance your learning.
  • Get your course syllabi and purchase text early, if possible.
  • Avoid back-to-back classes and classes with meeting times which exceed your attention and concentration stamina.
  • 录音时要做笔记. 在页边空白处注明问题.
  • As soon after class as possible, listen to the tape, rewrite the notes, and highlight main concepts.
  • 找一个学习伙伴,交换一下笔记.
  • Apply the following principles of effective learning when you study:
  • 参加所有课程. Hearing the lecture may be a critical factor in learning new material.
  • Preview new material and review the previous lecture before each class.
  • Set up a study schedule that changes little from week to week.
  • 在一个安静、没有干扰的环境中学习.
  • Sit toward the front of the class so you can hear and see well and be more easily recognized if you have questions or want to participate in the discussion.
  • 下课后尽快复习笔记. 保留重要术语的词汇表, 列出关键概念, 重大事件, 贡献者和他们的理论, 或公式.
  • 使用主日历. Make sure it is large enough to enter assignments, social events, and appointments.
  • 长期作业从截止日期往后做. 安排额外的时间.
  • Before beginning an assignment, make sure that you understand it fully. Schedule an appointment with your instructor early on to make sure that you are on the right track.
  • Sometimes the hardest part of getting work done and keeping up with a workload is getting started. Make a commitment of 30 minutes and gradually lengthen the study periods.
  • Because some college students with learning disabilities have trouble recognizing and correcting spelling errors, it is important to use a spell checker to identify misspelled words. Because some words will not be identified by a spell checker, have someone else proofread your papers and assist you in error identification and correction.
  • Meet with instructors frequently, even if it is just to say hello.
  • 尽早寻求帮助! If you begin to get confused or fall behind, schedule an appointment with your instructor. Do not wait until you are in danger of failing the course.
  • 尽早寻求家庭教师的帮助. 使用免费的辅导服务 学生成功中心.
  • Deal with writing problems early, as writing demands are heavy.
  • 注意“添加”的最后期限. 好好利用它们.
  • 计划每天的停机时间.
  • 积极参加校园学生组织.
  • Find out about support groups for learning disabilities.


  • Review class notes frequently and regularly throughout the semester.
  • 加强你对材料的视觉记忆, 颜色代码, 扩大, 下划线, 并突出你的笔记.
  • 把笔记再抄一遍.
  • 全天听讲课录音.
  • 演练口头或书面掌握的材料. 把笔记全部写出来. 默读或大声朗读笔记. 向朋友解释概念.
  • Review frequently and commit material to memory using strategies that aid recall such as listing, 分类, 成像, revisualizing, 排序, 设计, 首字母缩略词, 和协会.


  • Find out what format your instructor will use for tests. Ask to see if practice tests are available and take as many as possible.
  • 如果没有提供事先的考试或问题, 如果会有论文类型的考试, try to anticipate the questions that will be asked on the exam. 写下你对预期问题的回答.
  • 复习考试时做笔记. 根据笔记制作学习表或索引卡.
  • 考试前一定要好好休息.
  • 在考试开始时, 写下任何具体的公式, 日期, 你已经记住的名字或术语, 这样你们就可以在以后的考试中用到这些信息.
  • Read directions very carefully and follow them precisely.
  • Answer the easiest questions first and go back to the difficult questions after you have completed the easy ones.
  • 调整自己的步伐.
  • 如果你遇到一个不懂的问题, paraphrase it for the instructor/ proctor to confirm that you understand it.


建立自信不是一件容易的事. Many people benefit from the assistance of a counselor, psychologist, therapist or support group. 你可能想要探索这样的选择. 此外,以下策略可能会有所帮助:

  • After preparing as much as possible for an exam or presentation, tell yourself that you will succeed and are well prepared, 而不是你会失败.
  • 确定一个现实的目标并为之努力. 当你成功时,找出是什么帮助你成功的. 建立自信是一个循序渐进的过程.
  • 如果你在第一次尝试中没有达到你的目标, 和别人坐下来回顾一下你的策略. Identify new strategies that will better prepare you to achieve your final goal.
  • 制定完成每个目标的时间表. 为突发事件留出额外的时间. Take a long-range perspective on your life, rather than focusing on just one semester.
  • Keep a list of your past successes and accomplishments and read it over frequently.
  • 为自己的成就邀功. 学会用“谢谢”来接受赞美. 赞美就像礼物. When you reject a compliment, you are rejecting not only the compliment, but the person giving it.
  • Identify your strengths and keep expanding the list of what you do well. 发现你的才能,发展它们并享受它们.
  • 正确看待失望. One "D" in a class does not mean that you will fail the class. One "D" in a course does not mean that you will be dismissed from the University.
  • If you do poorly on a paper or an exam, find out why rather than condemning yourself. 把它记为经验. 错误往往是最好的老师. By analyzing what went wrong, you will be better able to avoid the same mistakes in the future.
  • 为成功而着装. If you are not sure about the appropriate attire for a specific event, 提前向有知识的人咨询.
  • 微笑. 微笑使人显得更自信.
  • 看看那些对你有信心的人, 为你提供了机会, 给了你过去的责任. These people know you well, have observed your past performances, and have confidence in you. As you accept new challenges, keep these people and their confidence in you clearly in mind.