
Interdisciplinary Studies, Bachelor of Science


Program Philosophy and Objectives

跨学科研究理学学士学位为在其他机构获得90个大学学分的个人提供了一个完成学士学位的机会,为他们的就业晋升做准备, a new career, and graduate education. 


在评估完转学学分后仍有自由选修课的学生,我们鼓励他们从众多辅修课程和/或棋牌娱乐提供的证书中选择自己感兴趣的领域的课程. 未成年人的个别课程和证书可能需要先决条件. More information about minors and certificates can be found here. 希望攻读棋牌娱乐提供的辅修课程或证书的学生应与学术顾问会面,讨论他们的选择并制定教育计划.

还鼓励学生进行合作教育和实习经历(IDS 440 -跨学科研究的合作教育).


我们也鼓励学生看看他们是否有资格获得管理理学硕士(商学院)或数字通信理学硕士(技术学院)的双学分优势。. 学生在研究生阶段可以修6 - 12个学分. Please see below for more information.

Program Competencies

除了大学的本科毕业能力/持久的口语技能, writing, numeracy, information literacy, and ethical awareness (aligned with NACE* Career Readiness skills), students will demonstrate knowledge, skills, and abilities related to:

Technology Fluency

Use technology to effectively locate and communicate information.

Social Responsibility

Demonstrate an increase in personal commitment to, and understanding of, one's role in a global society.


*National Association of Colleges and Employers. To learn more about career readiness, please visit:


课程设计由两部分组成:21门跨学科必修课和19门选修课程. The General Education courses provide a well-rounded academic foundation. 强烈鼓励学生从各种证书和/或未成年人中进行选择,以完成他们的自由选修要求.

General Education Requirements (42 credits)

最低及格成绩为“C”要求的eng121, eng122, eng131, eng310,和MAT 205.

CTA 206 Computer Applications


CTA 210 Intro to Technology


CTA 326 Integrating Excel into Business Problem Solving

ENG 121 English Composition I

ENG 122 English Composition II

ENG 131 Public Speaking

ENG 310 Research Writing

HIS 381 Contemporary Global Issues


POL 300 American Politics

MAT 205 Introductory Survey of Mathematics

PHI 100 Introduction to Critical Thinking

PHI 300 Ethics for Life

PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology


SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology

ECO Economics Elective

See Program Requirements

Natural Science Elective

Humanities Elective - 6 credits

Select 2 Humanities courses from the following:

ART, BBM 319, COM 245, CUL, DRA, DSN 110, ENG 360, ETN, HIS 230, HUM, IDS, LIT, MUS, PHI, SPA, TEC 215, VFP 311, VFP 312, VFP 313

Liberal Studies Core Requirements (15 credits)

A minimum passing grade of "C" is required for all core courses, except MAT 308 which requires a minimum passing grade of "C-."

IDS 440 Cooperative Education for Interdisciplinary Studies

IDS 441 跨学科合作教育(或辅修课程), a certificate, or a dual-credit advantage program)

IDS 495 Interdisciplinary Studies Senior Seminar

FIN 101 Financial Literacy

History Elective

MAT 308 Inferential Statistics

Electives/Minors (60 credits)

通识学士学位课程要求至少6个合作教育学分. Up to 15 Cooperative Education credits may be earned.

Interdisciplinary Studies Bachelor of Science Completion Degree

What is a Completion Degree?

完成学位是学士学位的个性化版本,专为在认可机构完成副学士学位的学生创建. (未完成副学士学位的学生应返回完整的跨学科研究, Bachelor of Science degree information, or the Interdisciplinary, Associate of Arts degree information.)棋牌娱乐大多数理学学士学位都有完成学位. 希望转学已完成的副学士学位的学生应在注册课程之前与棋牌娱乐的学术顾问沟通. 棋牌娱乐必须收到带有授予学位文件的成绩单以确认资格.

Program Philosophy and Objectives

跨学科研究理学学士完成学位为从认可机构获得副学士学位的个人提供了一个机会,通过一个连贯的项目完成学士学位,要求学生追求他们的兴趣,并为他们的就业晋升做好准备, a new career, and graduate education.


在评估完转学学分后仍有自由选修课的学生,我们鼓励他们从众多辅修课程和/或棋牌娱乐提供的证书中选择自己感兴趣的领域的课程. 未成年人的个别课程和证书可能需要先决条件. 还鼓励学生进行合作教育和实习经历(IDS 440 -跨学科研究的合作教育).

我们也鼓励学生看看他们是否有资格获得双学分优势加速途径,以获得管理学硕士学位(商学院). 学生在研究生阶段可以修6 - 12个学分. Please see below for more information.

More information about student elective options can be found here. 希望攻读棋牌娱乐提供的辅修课程或证书的学生应与学术顾问会面,讨论他们的选择并制定教育计划.

Program Competencies

除了大学的本科毕业能力和持久的口语技能技能, writing skills, numeracy skills, information literacy, and ethical awareness (aligned with NACE* Career Readiness skills), students will demonstrate knowledge, skills, and abilities related to:

Technology Fluency

Use technology to effectively locate and communicate information.

Social Responsibility

Demonstrate an increase in personal commitment to, and understanding of, one's role in a global society.


*National Association of Colleges and Employers. To learn more about career readiness, please visit:


完成学位的核心课程要求最低及格分数为“C”," except MAT 308 which requires a minimum passing grade of "C-."

IDS 495 Interdisciplinary Studies Senior Seminar

ENG 310 Research Writing

MAT 308 Inferential Statistics

IDS 440 Cooperative Education for Interdisciplinary Studies

PHI 300 Ethics for Life

POL 300 American Politics

History Elective

Natural Science Elective

Free Electives as needed to meet 120 credits

以下课程或同等课程是跨学科研究学士学位课程的先决条件. 如果你的转学分不包括以下课程的等价物, you are expected to complete them prior to taking the core course for which they are prerequisites:

ENG 121 English Composition I

ENG 122 English Composition II

ENG 131 Public Speaking

HIS 381 Contemporary Global Issues or POL 300 American Politics

PHI 100 Introduction to Critical Thinking

MAT 205 Introductory Survey of Math

我们强烈建议剩余自由选修课的学生选择相关课程集中完成通识核心课程. 其他选择包括工作结合学习和完成辅修课程或证书课程. Students should discuss their options with an academic advisor.

副学士学位总学分少于75学分的学生应完成威明顿大学选修课的课程. 请咨询您的学术顾问,以帮助您选择合适的课程.

此信息适用于2024-2025学年进入该学位课程的学生. 如果您在2023年秋季学期之前进入本学位课程,请参阅 academic catalog for the year you began your degree program.