
December 2022  |  A Botanist’s Guide to Parties and Poisons

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

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Please join the 棋牌娱乐 Online Book Club for a discussion of A Botanist's Guide to Parties and Poisons. Debut author Kate Khavari deftly entwines a pulse-pounding mystery with the struggles of a woman in a male-dominated field in 1923 London.

Students, Faculty, Staff, and 校友 are all welcome!
Register to join the conversation on Zoom

Borrow the book/ebook from a Delaware library or through your local library! 现在搜索

Read a preview of the book.


Newly minted research assistant Saffron Everleigh is determined to blaze a new trail at the University College London, but with her colleagues’ beliefs about women’s academic inabilities and not so subtle hints that her deceased father’s reputation paved her way into the botany department, she feels stymied at every turn.

When she attends a dinner party for the school, she expects to engage in conversations about the university's large expedition to the Amazon. What she doesn’t expect is for Mrs. Henry, one of the professors’ wives, to drop to the floor, poisoned by an unknown toxin.

Dr. Maxwell, Saffron’s mentor, is the main suspect and evidence quickly mounts. Joined by fellow researcher--and potential romantic interest--Alexander Ashton, Saffron uses her knowledge of botany as she explores steamy greenhouses, 黑暗的花园, and deadly poisons to clear Maxwell's name.

Will she be able to uncover the truth or will her investigation land her on the murderer’s list, in this entertaining examination of society’s expectations.


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